Fighting is a movie of action and adventure. The protagonist is Channing Tatum (Shawn), then there is Terrence Howard (Havey Boarden), Zulay Henao, and Brian White. The movie is rated PG-13.
The film shows a young man trying to make a living in the streets of New York City. Shawn is selling books in the street when he had an altercation with another guy, but all of this was a trick to take his money. After the little fight Terrence proposes to Shawn a fight that would earn him a thousand dollars. Shawn accepts and Terrence introduces Shawn into the underground street fighting circle. Shawn decided to continue fighting because every fight brought him closer to the life that he always wanted, but all of this circle had traps and Shawn had to fight with all of this not only with his knockouts, but also with the heart. The movie had a good opponent. Shawn knew his opponent because he used yo train with his father. During high school Shawn and his opponent had a fight, but Shaw’s dad tried to separate them Shawn lost his mind and hit his dad. During the film Shawn confronted an emotional conflict, by remembering his father and how his father preferred the other guy. This film has a lot of action, but it also has adventure. In the way Shawn met a girl named Zulay. Zulay is a Latina and she had a little girl and her grandmother lived with her. Shawn falls in love with Zulay, but he knew that Zulay worked for Terrence too. At the end, when Terrence though that all money that was made on the final fight was lost, he discovered that was not true and Shawn and Zulay move to another state with all of her family and Terrence.
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